What is a Mobile App and How It Help Business Grow?

19 Sep 2019

Smartphones and mobile applications have become an essential part of our daily lifestyle. You can get an app for everything you dream of from shopping, travelling, payments to games.

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How MVP is a Savior for Startups?

12 Sep 2019

Do you know? A research concluded that out of 10,000 apps built 9999 fails. Sounds odd? Here are some reasons why apps fail: Cost Factor App development and maintenance

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App Trends Favouring Mental Fitness

06 Sep 2019

Elevate Labs-Mental fitness startup launching a “Meditation App.” Today’s scenario has made us less focused on mental health and relaxation, and this is the cause of various mental disorders

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Mobiles became Smarter while Apps Claiming the Intelligence

03 Sep 2019

Devices to become humans!! Sounds vague, it’s not as Artificial Intelligence is expanding its arm making devices and machines human intelligent. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial intelligence is a

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Learn How Much Profit You Can Make With an App

18 Jun 2019

Knowing the fact that the demand and craze for apps are increasing exponentially, it is a lucrative and feasible idea to build an app. Of course, there is an

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